Ryleigh Perry is a very bright, non-verbal, 11-year-old living in Raleigh, and after receiving a smartphone her aunt no longer used, Ryleigh’s parents Shana and Ryan were totally unprepared for the joy they soon learned the smartphone would provide. Given a few instructions on how to text provided Ryleigh with a voice for the first time in her life! She could express herself in ways she was previously unable, allowing her to blossom.
As a result, Ryleigh’s Voice was created as a not-for-profit charity that allows the public to donate used smartphones and tablets for individuals with disabilities. Our goal is for other families to experience life-changing results as Ryleigh has, by being able to better communicate and interact with their loved ones. Donating devices that you no longer use is such an easy way to bring happiness to others… We invite you to review our website to learn more, and we sincerely thank you for your interest in Ryleigh’s Voice!